Manhattan Comedy School

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Top 5 Comedywire Jokes of the Day: Anxiety, Marriage, and Robbing Banks

1. Surprise: NASA Has Confirmed That Earth Has A New Moon

"Planet Earth's Facebook page inundated w/ baby pics."-Larry Ryals

2. Florida Man Googles "How To Rob A Bank" Before Robbing A Bank

"Should have specified "without getting caught."-Mike Frankovich

3. Our experts reveal how to save your marriage

"Just know that by reading this article, you're already off to a bad start."-Scott Kelley

4. Why Are More American Teenagers Than Ever Suffering From Severe Anxiety?

"'Cause driving while sexting is, like, really hard?"-S. J. Newman

5. To Kill a Mockingbird taken off Mississippi school reading list it made people 'uncomfortable'

"The word Mississippi makes people uncomfortable."-Mike Frankovich